martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


What do you think about working in class with the lyrics of a song, and even with the song?

When we find a song that we like, we listen to it a lot of times, and without realizing we start to learn its lyrics; but, what happens when it is in a different language? In my case, I search the lyrics on the Internet and I use to read it while I am listening to the song.By reading the lyrics, I can understand better the song’s sense, and I am also improving my listening skills.

Nowadays, there exist a lot of songs that we can use in a class in order to improve the student’s listening. For example, in English class, we can select an appropriate song according to the level and to the cycle of the students and print the lyric with some missing gaps they will have to complete while they are listening to the song. I remember when I was at school and the teachers brought us a song to complete… those  were the most enjoyable lessons!

Moreover, we can take advantage that at the moment a lot of songs have been created with many different contents: mathematics, language…, and overall sciences. There are a lot of songs we can use to introduce and involve the children in the topic, and also to motivate them.

It is a very nice activity that I’m sure all of us remember fondly, all our future children will enjoy too! In my opinion, it is a way to connect with the children, and they could learn more easily the contents of the subject with a song, instead of using the book. It is a quick learning.
What do you think about it? =)

2 comentarios:

  1. Sandra, it's very good idea! I'm here with you! We need to use in our lessons different ways to studing and songs are very good choice. For example we can listen some of them during the topic about animals and it will be one of the best way to learn this topic! But may be you mean only lyric songs? So it's a big help at the literature class. Sometimes children can't understand some feelings or emotions, with songs it will be easier. Also listening the songs in the class good idea to learn new vocabulary and remember it. Children are liked interesting activities and using the right songs will make our lesson more attractive. Sometimes it's a good way to motivate children and create atmosphere in the class which we need. Thank you for idea!

  2. Hello Sandra!:)

    I also like the idea you have mentioned, to use songs in the classes. I have experienced many classes during which our teacher used songs, for many reasons of course, as warming up, as background while doing any other kind of activity or just to rest in the end of the lesson. Many of us really loved it. I would think that smaller children can really enjoy it, they are so playful, but what I would guess is the students on the high schools would not like it, but the truth was opposite, I have seen my classmates really enjoying songs by Beatles or Adele, even when they listen to something absolutely different. So now I consider it as very popular activity.
    As you also said, songs are good kind of activity to practice many things, they are good for training pronunciation, listening or even to practice some structures in the language. What is also a huge advantage of a songs - they are part of a real life of students. They listen to songs from radio, from television or around the internet and this happens in everyday life, while they are shopping or just eating breakfast and somebody in the house is watching tv music channel. That´s why it is kind of activity which students can easily work in, because most of the part is based on song, and they listen to songs daily, so it is very known for them.
    Songs are also very useful for students, because as you know Howard Gardner, who developed kinds of intelligences of students also brought the truth that no two students can learn in exactly the same way, so students, who have highly developed their musical intelligence can work easier with rhythm, rhymes or tone and these kinds of activities are very helpful for them to develop other skills or knowledge.
    So thank you that you reminds us the songs are very useful for classes with kids!
    and see ya soon ;)

